The Antichi Sapori Campani project was born from the idea of an entrepreneur, of Neapolitan origins but of Salerno adoption, who, making use of the support of his family and qualified collaborators, has the sole purpose of distributing, throughout the national territory and beyond, of Campania food products whose characteristic is that of typicality, craftsmanship and above all genuineness.
There are three key points:
- - reach our countrymen, in Italy and abroad, who for various needs have left their homeland but, albeit distant, remain forever linked to the "ancient flavors of Campania";
- - let those who, staying in our places even for short periods, come into contact with our aromas, our flavors and have been kidnapped by savoring our delicacies;
- - make yourself known by those who have never had the opportunity to savor our delicacies.
The idea of genuine and artisanal products was born when Dino Acocella, owner of the company, discovered at the age of 40 that he had a food intolerance to wheat.
From there his passion and study for ancient grains was born, including the famous Senatore Cappelli durum wheat.
The project evolved with the production of pasta with Senatore Cappelli semolina for which the “L'Antico Grano” brand was coined.
Subsequently, the project was embellished with the adhesion of artisan realities including: producers of wines, cheeses, jams, preserves, liqueurs, meats and flours.
Their history, their frieze and the quality of the products make them the flagship and are a source of pride and pride.
“My thanks for being part of the Antichi Sapori Campani family will never be enough for the trust placed in them“.
Dino Acocella